Thursday, February 4, 2010

Review of The Busy Couple's Guide to Sharing the Work and the Joy

Kathy Peel’s book, The Busy Couple’s Guide to sharing the Work and the Joy is written for a specific audience. It is not intended for housewives or stay-at-home moms. It is designed for two-career couples who need help making home-life work.

Kathy (CEO and founder of Family Manager) provides great ideas, worksheets and tips. The book is written from a Christian perspective. She suggests readers approach family duties the same way they manage a business.

You'll read about: Ideas for spending less on food, meal planning, managing relationships, family dinnertime, surviving during tough times and much more. I am sure many working Mothers would benefit from Kathy’s advice.

* This book was provided for review through Tyndale House Publishers. *